Nuno Neves
Orthopedist (CUF Porto Hospital and Hospital Santo António | Portugal)
Nuno Neves is an Orthopedist dedicated to spinal pathology and surgery. He coordinates the Orthopedics team at CUF Porto Hospital (Portugal). Additionally, he is a Professor at FMUP - Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (Portugal), and a researcher at CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research (Portugal), and i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (Portugal). Nuno Neves has held several leadership positions in national and international scientific societies in the area of the spine. His main research areas are the spine, both clinical or basic, chronic pain and biomaterials for bone regeneration. Additionally, he has published more than 60 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals with an h-index of 15 and more than 700 citations.